Sunday, December 17, 2006

Is there anything wrong with this world?

Everybody has the formula to fix up the world. Everyone wants to stop violence, unevenness, injustice. I would like to know why do people think the world they have in their minds would be anyhow better than the one we have. Did any of them stop to think of what is the impact of finishing with all unevenness, for example? I don't think so. Stop for a second and ask to yourself: would such a world work at all? Would we have development without competition, or competition in a fair and even world? Would we have evolution if nature worked by means of moral?

But even so, they are so certain that their view of the world is right, so strengthen by the belief of being supporting the good, the justice, that they will go around applying their moral values as if they were universal and absolute. They will judge people as evil, as unjust, as criminals, as immoral, and will fight and give their lives for what they know is right. (And they ignore that other people with different moral conceptions do think exactly the same of them.)

Human beings are always seeking for a better world, for justice in the future, for the good of people. They never comprehend that their moral beliefs are just an instrument of nature, a means by which people will interact cooperatively and competitively toward their own interests. Blind by the illusion of the existence of an absolute truth, they can never understand they're just toys implementing the rules of development.